Week 12 | Book 12 - Radical Candor: Be A Kick-Ass Boss, Without Losing Your Humanity

Week 12 | Book 12

Radical Candor: Be A Kick-Ass Boss, Without Losing Your Humanity

by: Kim Scott

I suspect that many of the people who read this blog will be familiar with Scott's work and will likely have read this book.  This is another one of the books that I am rereading, actual re-re-re-reading - I have enjoyed Scott's work at least 4 times.  The reason I so deeply appreciate Radical Candor is that it is an essential read for leadership and management.  Scott shares incredible insights on topics ranging from:

- the difference between rockstars and superstars in your organization, and why they are both important,

- how personal values and organizational values' congruence is not only important but essential,

- the development of your own personal values is your life's work - they can always be in flux and are deeply personal and do not need to be explicitly shared,

- how to give direct, caring and personalized feedback for professional improvement,

- when you think you are 'wasting time' connecting with your team, you are actually doing your most important work - relationships and connection are essential if you wish to lead with candor.

As I said with 'Dare to Lead,' a few weeks ago, I would include Radical Candor on any syllabus if I was designing and delivering a course on leadership.  Scott's masterwork is truly an essential read.
