Often when we have the opportunity to visit other schools (locally, nationally and internationally) we are able to derive a better sense of how excellent education is deployed across North America. On these tours, we experience everything from technology deployment to facility development; the professional development we experience is unparalleled.
With all that said, some of my best learning experiences have come from visiting creative industries, such as technology, to see how people are working in their unique ecosystems. Many of our current learning space iterations have come from visits to places such as IDEO (San Fransico - seen below), IQMetrix (Vancouver) and Shopify (Ottawa - seen above). In these offices, the leaders and designers are truly exploring how people work, when they work and how to optimally inspire idea creation.
Next time you have the chance - drop into an industry that is not your own and ask yourself, 'how can the best of this translate to how and where I work?' I virtually guarantee you will be inspired to have a new idea.

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