Week 11 | Book 11 - Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Week 11 | Book 11

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles

Ikigai is often defined as, "Your reason for being."

While reading Ikigai, you cannot help but constantly stop yourself and reflect on your life, your habits and your purpose.  There are countless lessons captured within these beautifully crafted pages.

A couple of items that really stuck with me were the connection to:

- logotherapy and the connection to Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning,"

- the importance of simple movement and the risks of sitting to our health ... more than 20 minutes can be linked to poorer health,

- flow, as defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihlyi, is an important way to maintain happiness and purpose in your life and work,  in effect, what we can learn from Mihaly's work is: easy tasks lead to boredom, challenging tasks lead to flow, and challenging tasks beyond our capacity lead to anxiety... choose wisely,

- lessons from the 'Blue Zones' of the world are worthwhile to study and understand - health and longevity in the 'Blue Zones' is significantly improved as in comparison to all other parts of the world, and

- many of the world's oldest people are always busy, but they occupy themselves with tasks that allow them to relax.
