While schools are in session, the Faculty Lounge is a place or respite for teachers; a place to connect, share a laugh or some professional advice. At Rundle Academy, there is a tradition that has stretched over 15 years, and it is Friday Snacks! Each and every Friday, for as long as we can remember, staff bring in snacks and there is an impromptu staff social before we start the last day of the week.
As we moved into the REEDS era, I am thrilled to see that this tradition has remained! Today we met in the virtual Zoom staff room and shared our breakfasts, stories, children, pets and even house alarms! It was an incredible time of connection.
(If you look closely at the picture below, you'll note that some of us are dressed in our formal uniforms... today is 'reverse dress down day' at our campuses... so fun!)
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