Often, I am asked,
"What does Rundle do that allows it to continually find success, academically and otherwise?"
To answer this, I think we could potentially look to several factors, including:
- Small Class Sizes
- Top Teachers
- Empathy Groups
- Motivated Families
And, to be honest, I could not disagree with any of the above factors - they all play a role and are incredibly important.
However, late last year, something else occurred to me as a result of listening to the NYT Daily Podcast.
On the April 1, 2019 version of the podcast, the NYT was reporting on "Why Did New York's Most Selective Public Schools Admit Only 7 Black Students?" Although most of the podcast does not apply to Rundle, there is a moment at minute 21 of the podcast when the NYT reporter points to the question as to, "Why do kids do well at these top schools?"
She surmises, "There's a magical quality of being in these schools; being around all the kids who want to study as hard as you do, who love math, and english, and environmental studies as much as you do, and it is this really safe space for smart kids, it is cool to be smart there, and that is really, really special."
I think this may well be a huge part of our secret sauce - it is a culture of wanting to do well, succeed and reach your individual potential.
To this end, I'd like to thank everybody in our community for a dedication to a culture of excellence.

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