Book 19 | Week 19
Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole
by Susan Cain
From the moment I finished reading Susan Cain's first book, "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking," I couldn't wait for her to publish another one. In "Quiet," Cain takes the opportunity to reexamine a deeply misunderstood content (introversion) and bring a new lens to it so we can better understand and appreciate those in our world who do not ascribe to extroversion that seems so required.
In her newest book, Cain takes a similar angle on sorrow and longing. From the opening passage, a quote from Leonard Cohen's poem/song - The Anthem: "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in," to the final chapter on transforming inherited ancestral pain - Cain draws our attention to the importance of embracing sorrow and longing. In particular, there is an incredibly important section on "effortless perfection" and the detrimental role it plays in high-performing cultures.
Cain continues to explore the unexplored and helps us better understand the things we do not see, pay attention to or recognize... but should.
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