Week 9 | Book 9 - Shoe Dog

Week 9 | Book 9
Shoe Dog: A Memoir By The Creator of Nike
By Phil Knight

I am loving the opportunity to revisit many of the books that I've enjoyed in the past, and "Shoe Dog" by Phil Knight is one such read.  I remember first reading Knight's account of the founding of Nike shortly after its initial release in 2016!  I am happy to say, that a half-decade later, it carries the same wisdom and enjoyment as it did when I first picked it up.

Perhaps why it resonates so deeply has something to do with Knight's account of his 'around the world' journey just prior to him jumping into a 'real world' of work and life.  Much like Knight, when I was in my mid 20's, I managed to liquidate most of what I owned and I set off to explore the world.  During my 300 days abroad, I visited over 20 countries and set foot on 5 continents.  My time away was a time of learning, exploration and growth.  I was able to realize our world's universal humanity and our shared belief in good.

Oftentimes, in my work as a school leader, I'll hear students say they are going to take a 'gap year' upon graduation.  In the back of my mind, I always hope that if they do take a year, they 'gap' with purpose.  I hope they take the time to travel, to meet new people and learn new things.  Truly, having empathy, or the ability to see through another's eyes, is only heightened when you have seen so many other cultures, religions and lands.
