Week 13 | Book 13 - The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups

Week 13 | Book 13
The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups
by: Daniel Code

Twice a year, I have the opportunity to teach a course for the Canadian Accredited Independent School organization titled, "Faculty Culture."  In the module, we discuss articles, best practices and the findings in a few books.  One of the central texts in this course is 'The Culture Code,' and prior to teaching the course, I always return to Coyle's book.  Coyle has a magical way of weaving recent research into relatable stories from business, sport and society.  

Central to Coyle's thesis is that leaders need to:

  • Build safety,
  • Share vulnerability,  and
  • Tell the story.

Each time I revisit the 'Culture Code,' new thoughts and ideas stick with me.  This time, I was left with the following take-aways:
  • like Coach Popovich, don't shoot the messenger, 'hug'em and hold'em,'
  • great group chemistry isn’t luck; it’s about sending super-clear, continuous signals: we share a future, you have a voice,
  • strong cultures don’t hide their weaknesses; they make a habit of sharing them, so they can improve together, Leaders go first when it comes to vulnerability, Do the hard stuff in person. Don’t have tough conversations over email.
  • Magical Feedback: “I’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations, and I know you can reach them." This feedback signals (a) You are part of this group. (b) This group is special. (c) You can reach these standards.
Needless to say, these are just the tip of the iceberg.  Coyle helps us all see our organizations as places that are driven by strong (or weak) culture.
