In my 15 years as a school leader, one practice hs always remained consistent for me. In my desk drawer and in my email inbox, I have a folder that is titled, "Good News Notes." Annually, I archive these notes and start fresh.
The reason for these folders is that every now and again, even those of us who are eternally optimistic, need a reminder that there is an awful lot of good in the world.
It today's day and age, I think this may be more important now than it has ever been.
Over the course of the next week (or potentially longer), the "Daily Climb" is going to focus on 'good news' stories from in and around our Rundle community, city and world. I hope you join me in these celebrations. Furthermore, I hope you share these stories and stories of your own with me and others. Who knows... maybe I'll even be able to share them here on this platform to raise the spirits of all of our subscribers!
Let the 'Good News Notes' (Daily Climb edition) begin!

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