Trying to do better everyday is something I hold close to my heart and comes from choices and decisions that I made when I was younger. Sport is obviously my passion and whilst looking at New Zealand's youth sport development website I came across an article by Reed Maltbie entitled ‘That’s not how I learn’. This article had a profound effect on me to the extent I literally paused half way through, swore loudly followed by I need to take a good look at what I'm doing. The article itself is about a dad trying to help his son on Mathematics in particular long division. The body of the story is Reed getting frustrated showing his son how HE did long division and his son failing and getting frustrated. His son finally had the courage to say softly ‘That’s not how I learn.” Reed’s coaching experience of 30 years kicks in and he asks the question ‘What do you need?’ This was was really strong and powerful and what I certainly took away from this is to ask that question Reed did to his son. It's not the first time I have heard of it but the situation hit home with a large thud! I have attached the link if you wish to read the article.

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