Looking back on my schooling and how it shaped me is what came to mind when thinking about this topic.
I struggled in late elementary and junior high with reading and math topics and although there was not really a formal diagnosis where and when I went to school, knowing what I know now I am confident a learning disability would have been a part of my learning profile.
I was educated in a time where the resource teacher came down the hall to gather me for my extra support time and I absolutely, to this day, remember some of the language exercises I practised. I also remember the anxiety of reading out loud as well as some math test anxiety.
I was lucky I had some truly supportive teachers, one actually being my father. Another was a really flexible high school English teacher who was open to me listening to my novels on cassette (yes, cassettes).
I choose to view my learning history as a wonderful path that brought me to the Academy. I believe it is why I am so passionate about what we do. I would have been a great fit for our program as a youth and I know, first hand, the success that can happen when the right supports from educators and family are in place.

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