I was recently reading Marcus Buckingham's new book, "Nine Lies About Work: A Freethinking Leader's Guide to the Real World," and at one point he cites a study that involved monkeys that had been displaced from their mothers. As a replacement for their mother, they were given two options (a) a wire frame monkey with a bottle filled with milk or (b) a wire frame monkey with a blanket. The vast majority of the baby monkeys chose the blanket. What we learn from this is that we will take warmth and connection over even the most primal of needs (in this case food). Beyond the learnings from this experiment, we are becoming more and more aware of the impact of the digitization of our world.
Everything from social media to iPads to 24 hour new cycle has an impact on our wellness, our potential and our connection. In the previous decade, many authors (Grant, Achor, and Pasricha) have argued successfully for the human advantage of connection and I am certain that in the 2020's, this advantage will be realized.

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