A few weeks ago, I was invited to attend a Jeffersonian Dinner. Now, for those of you who have never heard of such a thing (and I am among you), here are the essentials:
- It is a dinner of roughly 12 people,
- The participants usually embody a broad diversity - background, education, viewpoints,
- The is a moderator who will pose questions to consider,
- Only one person is allowed to speak at a time - no sidebar conversations.
I went into the evening with a healthy dose of skepticism and left with a brain on fire with thoughts, wonderings and ideas.
What really struck me was how difficult and at the same time stimulating it was to sit, listen and engage with one person and many - all at the same time. The conversation was deep, wide-ranging and compelling.
In short... ideas come from a place of perspective, listening, contemplation, collaboration and insight. At a Jeffersonian Dinner, you can virtually guarantee, interesting ideas will be born.

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