About 6 years ago, I was in Regina for Christmas and while shopping for some last minute gifts, I stumbled upon a public library branch - right smack dab in the middle of the mall. This moment sticks out in my mind for two reasons:
1) I was impressed by the innovation of Regina Public Libraries and their willingness to bring their services to where the people were, and,
2) I remember seeing an interesting book on the shelf, "The Originals" by Adam Grant. I remember reading the first 50 pages that day in the library and then immediately going out and purchasing a copy so I could finish it later that week.
Since then, Adam Grant has been everywhere. On top of his day job of professing about Organizational Psychology at the Wharton School of Business, he has published and created widely.
Today, I listened to two podcasts featuring him (Tim Ferris and Armchair Expert) and both reminded me of why I love Adam's work so much. He is so human, curious and connected. He is not afraid of new ideas, feedback or debate.
If you have time over the break, take a moment and get to know him and his work a little better. Whether it is his podcast, his Ted Talks, his children's book, his articles or his books - you are sure to find some relief for your own curiosity!
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