It was awesome to open my inbox yesterday and read this email:
"Dear Rundle,
We hosted our first ever set of races this week, and today’s was the first time I’ve ever dealt with high school students. Boy, they are more self-reliant than the middle schoolers I’m used to!
Anyway, your coach did something magnificent towards the end of the race: she gathered all the runners who’d already finished around the start of the final straightaway to wait for, and then to run with, the last runner from Rundle. It was a sight to see, all these kids encouraging that one young man labouring his way to the finish line. Like she said afterwards, they are a team and they should act like one. What great work! That’s what the sports program should be all about! I thought you might like to know. She’s a keeper.
Have a great end to your week and a lovely weekend,
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