Be Kind: Reflecting on the Globe and Mail's Article "Schools need to value good character, not just intelligence"

"For, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”
Earlier this month, the Globe and Mail published an article titled, "Schools need to value good character, not just intelligence." Although I am tempted to summarize it here, I am going to resist the urge to do so and encourage all members of our community to give it a read for themselves.
Needless to say, the author, Gerard Seijts, does a spectacular job of articulating our value proposition that "At Rundle, Character Comes First." You will see this represented in our pathways to learning, in our daily actions and in the ethos of R+.
Furthermore, Seijts points directly to the importance of strong and courageous leadership that puts the character at the center of practice. I believe we are living this reality through programs such as prefects, peer support, CAUSE and the Ascent.
I am heartened to see this is a topic of the national conversation and I hope others will follow us in the pursuit of the idea, "When you graduate Rundle, your grades will be impressive, however, they will be the least impressive thing about you."
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