Last week, I had a super compelling coffee meeting with a member of our community. Our conversation covered dozens of fascinating topics. We discussed everything from Rundle's brand, to IB/AP, to our values and 'pathways to success.' We also touched on the topic of documentaries (notably 'Inside Bill's Brain), Creative Destruction Lab and pivoting in one's career and life.
In spite of all of this amazing dialogue, the one item that struck me most was the question,
"How do we compel our kids to love learning as much as we do."
At this moment, I was reminded of reading or listening to a book (or article) - and to be honest, I can't find the exact source in the recesses of my brain - but in essence what it said is, "our kids are watching us - and that's how they learn what we value - and as result - it will be what they value." With that same memory, I recall learning that if kids see us reading, enjoying curiosity, listening to podcasts, sharing kindness - they will internalize these life principles and will, in time, value them too.
In short - if we love learning - they will too.

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