We have explored this topic in previous posts, however, I think it may be worth revisiting in the context of 'future ready' skills.
The term Antifragile was popularized by author Nassim Nicholas Taleb, in his book, "Antrifragile: Things That Gain." At the risk of oversimplifying the idea, the term essentially means that as we fail, we learn, and as result of this learning, we grow stronger and more resilient.
In the context of what is important in the coming years for our kids, I believe that being able to fail, recover, and improve is essential. In today's day and age, feedback and criticism is abundant and as learners we can choose to allow the impact of these interactions to slow our growth or accelerate it. It is one thing to consider ourselves 'gritty' or 'resilient' - but it is another to use the gifts of adversity to find improvement.

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