Here's the first - of what I hope is many - posts by our students.
Today's post is on a new program we are offering here at Rundle called, "Global Online Academy." Here's the view from the eyes of our students:
"In the last two weeks of my global online academy course, International relations, I have interacted with people all across the globe from places such as Jordan, Singapore, The United States, Nigeria, Japan, Ghana and of course, Canada. So far we have covered the theory of realism and the rise of China and I have had the opportunity to interact with my classmate through one on one and group calls on software called zoom, where we discuss our opinions on selected events and are faced with varied and testing questions. In the future, we will continue to learn about a few more major theories of IR before applying them to important current, and historic, events such as Brexit. So far, GOA has been an absolutely fantastic experience, meeting new people from other regions of the world while we connect and learn about information that we are all passionate about is one of the many best positives of GOA as well as interacting and getting to know peers from rundle in different grades that I normally would not have the opportunity to talk to. I'm looking forward to continuing my course and gaining more experiences every day that I will definitely take with me post-secondary.
"Normally when you think of Rundle College what comes to mind is unparalleled charter, community and small class sizes. However, what you may not know is that in the last two years Rundle College has made a monumental step forward in online and international learning through a program initiated known as Global Online Academy (GOA). GOA is an elaborate online program that allows for students at Rundle College to connect, grow and learn from other students with a similar passion all across the world. Above all else, GOA enables students to develop and dive into their own passions that may not be explored in other core curriculum classes. For example, currently, I am taking finance through a course known as an Introduction to Investments. Throughout this course, I have made new connections with individuals in Brazil, China and all across the world. There is no doubt in my mind that this course will make me a more well-rounded student as it has allowed me to delve into new topics that I hope to one day pursue as a lifetime career. Lastly, I am looking forward to our major projects at the end of the term where we have the ability to make a stock pitch to our class based on the knowledge of the markets and investing that we learned throughout the semester."

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